Something *wicked* …

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      “I have plans for your next visit…wicked plans” – Byron   So the time has come and I’ve made the trek to see Byron. There’s nothing spectacular to note about the journey, just that I sped most of the way there this time. I was particularly excited and enticed about what he had in […]

By the pricking of my thumbs…

I am happy to report that Byron and I have survived our near cataclysmic close call that started out our New Year. It took a lot of patience on my part as I had to give him a lot of space in order to work out the issues that had come up. However, with that patience and space I was able to do some self-assessment on my part. Realizing that I had resorted to tactics that I had used in past relationships and brandished these tactics like a weapon of bazooka like proportions. I couldn’t blast my way through this problem and expect to find myself on the successful end of a relationship.

We talked, shared, and communicated our respective feelings. We were reacting based on our past experiences in relationships. I triggered bad experiences and memories on his part, he understood that I hadn’t done it on purpose but still worried that it was a tactic I would use in the future. However, he ultimately felt that this is something I could learn from. We were able to start mending the bridge and then start fortifying it by learning from this experience so we can continue on the path together…hand in hand, side by side and everything poetic that you can think of.

I’ve enjoyed the last two weekends with Byron. The first was amazingly sweet and playful and we were able to get back to the best part of ‘us’. The occurrence of getting to see Byron two weekends in a row is almost unheard of because of the circumstances which happen in life. Before the next weekend had been planned however, Byron threw a teaser out there “I have plans for your next visit”…”wicked plans”. My first initial thought was “oh my!” followed by that shock of pleasure that runs through my body so often in relation to HIM. He was relishing the thought of teasing me and wouldn’t divulge any further details into what exactly those plans were and not for the lack of trying on my part.

A little history lesson for those that may not be caught up due to my love of detail and the length of my prior posts may be needed. I recently summarized my relationship with Byron on a group post at Fetlife.

I feel I am part of am incomplete poly triad with more D/s than S/M but enough to keep me on my toes 😉

Byron is my Dominant and I am working towards allowing him to become the Master to me, so I can be his submissive and slave and whatever else he needs me to be and that I want to be. We’ve talked about this in the past and he knows why I am hesitant to move forward into the slave aspect of our relationship. The S/m part of our relationship has been explored, however we have been moving in baby steps towards this.

Since, I’ve started down my journey as a submissive/slave/masochist the last thing I’ve wanted to do was take the wrong path, especially with something so exciting and new and to have so many options open in the world of BDSM. I’ve found that I am just as prone to Sub Frenzy as the next person. I’ve seen a lot more than I have experienced and every time I see more…I want to experience it. I don’t want to wait either, I want that immediate gratification and I want it now. So, in order to avoid the Sub Frenzy and the eventual disappointment of not experiencing soon enough (soon enough in my mind) that comes with it, I have made myself move at what sometimes feels like a snail’s pace. Of course, Byron is here to help with slowing down the pace with which I want to experience things.

We’ve experimented and played some, but only little bits here and there. The first time I experienced being tied completely down and helplesswas a little over a year ago and with Byron, that scene was intense in and of itself and I relished every moment of it. My first full hand spanking was a few months before that and also by Byron. Over the course of the year and I’ve experienced different implements to try to gauge how I would like them. Not for long on any of them, just enough to give me a taste of what it may be like to have a full scene done with them. There was the rubber paddle from hell (a love/hate relationship was established the first go round), being restrained for a little bit in handcuffs, a little teasing with the wartenberg wheel and most recently the new purchase of a flogger (I really liked this one).

I am so dang eager and even more eager to please that I want more and more and more. I wouldn’t say I frequent the local scene, but I have been to enough socials and parties (some private and others not so much) to have put me onto the brink of Frenzy more than once.

A swing and a miss

Have you ever felt like you were missing something? Something important, like some event was evasively eluding your grasp? This feeling passed over me today and it feels like a concept that I should be getting but I’m not. Almost like an epiphany is dancing on the outskirts of my mind, traipsing in and out of the fog that borders on the idea of something brilliant. However, it’s not quite ready to show itself yet.

Honestly, I’m not even sure that it is my epiphany. I’ve been caught in this state of flux for the past three+ months and very few things have been clear in regards to the path of my future. The one thing I could count on and take what comfort I could was  my relationship with my Sir. Except now, this last week, we have been in the regions of the unknown. I can now mark him firmly in the column of the unidentified when it comes to my future and that is quite disconcerting for me.

We saw each other last weekend and two events marked the weekend as unsuccessful for us. I won’t go into many details even though I’ve shared many gory details in prior posts, I do believe that some things should be left unsaid and between the two people who are involved. These events were my transgressions and I accept complete culpability in how things went down this last weekend.

Since prior to starting the new adventure in our relationship of being “poly” together we realized that the key to any good relationship is open, honest communication. Complete and total transparency for lack of a better description. This is new territory for me, yet something I had always craved in a relationship and always felt as if it were one sided in my past vanilla relationships. Byron and I had already experienced this together some, but not the degree that is required when it comes to looking for, finding, and then introducing a third into an established relationship. Our end goal is not for there to be a primary, secondary, or even tertiary; but to feel compersion and love and understanding equally amongst the three of us.

We were on the hunt for the mythical elusive unicorn that seems to be so sought after by many in our community. What happens though when the initially base relationship hits the rocks?? The hunt stops. Hopefully only momentarily, since I was tasked by Sir with finding our third lover and it was something I was quite excited about doing.

Byron said he had been thinking on this task for some time. One reason I was tasked with this is because of the last attempt to find a third. It happened to coincide with the second as well, however the second flamed out much faster then the first or third. The first was a failed attempt because she couldn’t come to terms with some practices and necessities for Byron. In all three I had never fully come into the picture. I ended up knowing the second, however, I believe that the strength of this was also it’s downfall. It became to real to fast for the second and she flaked out.

So onto attempt three, Lexie. She is a submissive and familiar with the lifestyle, however new to the concept of poly and having a third person involved. Byron was very honest and upfront with Lexie, that I was in the picture and that he and I were poly and that I was not going anywhere. The attraction quickly grew between them, however from what I had learned from the information Byron had given me, Lexie wasn’t entirely sure that she was up for the poly part. Eventually, Lexie concluded that she thought that she could be okay with sharing Byron separately from me but that she wasn’t sure she could fully encompass the idea of poly. Essentially, she was wanting and thinking in terms of an open relationship, however, that was not our goal.

I was none too pleased to hear about this, Byron thought that she may eventually come around to the idea of poly though and continued his budding romance with Lexie. They met and started seeing each other more often, but he kept holding off on really talking about poly with her. I kept waiting, trying to practice patience and compersion and be jealous free, but it was a task that was daunting for me. I had armed myself with the knowledge and know how, to actually put it in practice was a whole different beast. I did have problems with attempt one, however she was more open to poly and what it entailed then Lexie was, so I had grown more accepting in the short time that she was in the picture.

A new revelation had occurred in their sporadic conversations regarding poly. Lexie’s main concern was now that she wasn’t sure that she was in it for poly at all. Her main concern was now that she would develop even more feelings for him and eventually want him all to herself. In keeping with the open and honest communication that we had established, I eventually felt that I had the right to really voice my concerns. I didn’t want to force the issue, however I felt that we were quickly coming up to a line that once it was passed would be slippery and dangerous for all involved. The further they went into this romantic relationship the more there would be feelings involved.

So, one night I just laid all my cards on the table. The path that we were currently on wasn’t what I had agreed to in the beginning and I didn’t like how events were unfolding. I was having problems dealing with the changes and wasn’t sure that she was a fit for ‘us’. I knew they had the beginning of something wonderful from what Byron had told me, but I couldn’t see where I fit into the picture.

The result of my conversation with Byron ended up in a deep serious discussion with Lexie the following night. They were supposed to see each other but it didn’t work out to where they could. So following the path of their regular communication it came out that Lexie’s thinking was still that she would want Byron for herself with me not involved in any way. That is the night that their relationship ended, but they’ve continued to maintain a friendship.

There is a reason for my regaling of this story. It comes back to our communication and how it resulted in the negative impact of this last weekend.   The gist of what happened is that I took the open, honest communication too far. I took a trivial matter and became noticeably upset about it…twice.

I reacted real-time and badly at that. I expected an outcome and when faced with something different became sullen and moody. Even though logically there were explanations both times and I knew it when I was reacting but I felt, I guess …a little entitled to have the reaction because I was being ‘open and honest’ when in all reality I was being quite selfish. I took advantage of  our communication and used it to make me feel better in that moment not fully considering the repercussions of that self-satisfaction I felt I needed. I had done it somewhat with Lexie and now not just once but twice in the same weekend.

The events of last weekend culminated in a conversation hours after the start of our New Year in which Byron told me that he was considering breaking up with me. If I react like this now, then there will surely be future incidents as well. Now, we are at the point where I am giving him his space and giving him time to consider whether or not he wants to move forward in our relationship.

I am not done fighting though. I don’t like change, but change is just a basic fact of life. This is one fact that has become even more poignantly clear in the past months. I’ve overcome many things in my life and still continue some fights on a daily basis. I feel as if our relationship is salvageable, because I am ready and willing to break loose of the shackles that bind me to my past relationships and move forward on a better path.  I want a healthy and loving relationship and I want it with Byron.

Byron centers me. When I am with him and in his arms I feel peace. Peace from the torments and agonies of every day life. I’ve never felt that with anyone before….it’s been close but the total content that I feel with him is just so soothing and reassuring.  When I am with him, I know…I know I am safe and he will protect me in any way that he can. These revelations may be for naught. Byron hasn’t made his decision. I’m not entirely sure he feels the same way when he is with me but I like to think so. I can only hope and fight for what I want and I will continue to do so.

So, I stand on the brink of an epiphany. One that may not be mine, but does involve me. I believe the epiphany is to be had by Byron, but am not 100% positive. What he decides about us now or in the near future will determine how my future unfolds. I know I will and can survive without Byron, but it’s a world that quite frankly scares me. We went several years at one point with little to no contact and he was never fully gone from my thoughts. I reached out to him on occasion if only to just let him know that I was still here.  Now with everything being so uncertain, I can only hope and pray that my future is a future with him.


So many things have happened since my last post. However, I had to take a step back from my blog. I couldn’t handle the emotional turbulence it had me going through. So many negative emotions rolling through me and I was actually trying to pick up the pieces of my life. But little did I know it would get worse before it got better. Byron has encouraged me in the past weeks to pick up my writing again, but I have been hesitant. He finally tasked me with it last night since I was putting it off for as long as possible. My deadline was today.

To pick up where I last left off: I continued my friendship into yet another relationship with John, this one so much more destructive than any prior. He had relapsed in his alcoholism and I followed him down that path in July…on my birthday to be exact. Shortly after I had relapsed I heard from Byron, after an almost 6 month self imposed silence from me. We started out as just friends and I continued on with the relationship with John while trying to maintain a friendship with Byron. However, my heart has always yearned for more than friendship with Byron. I went for a visit to see him…resolute that nothing would happen. However, I knew and he knew if I was pushed hard enough that my resolve would crumble….and it did. Then another visit and tryst followed before I realized I couldn’t do this.

Byron and Shanan were nearing the end of their relationship which had turned monogamous since I had been released. He had never had the chance to further explore polyamory as he had stated with me because she didn’t want to share him in that way. So both Byron and I were going down the same path in the relationships we had found outside of each other. In the meantime, our chemistry, our fire…it had never died it was still there and was it ever still alive! But I had to put my foot down. I couldn’t and wouldn’t settle for that in between area. So I laid it down, we can only be friends. He understood and agreed, though neither one of us wanted to live in the friendship zone. We both needed to find out what was going on with John and Shanan in our lives.

In October, the dust finally cleared and Byron asked me, “Will you try Poly with me”. He initially asked me before I had made the final separation from John. I told him we needed to discuss what our expectations were and we did for the next two weeks. The time finally came, I was done with John and trying. I was living in my self-imposed nightmare of alcoholism and was ready to give it up and knew I would have to in order to be with Byron and what our relationship would entail. I ended it with John and a few days later asked Byron to ask me again and I said yes. Two days later I quit drinking.

So Byron and I are together, truly together for the first time since we have known each other. We are searching for our third to complete our poly triad and it has been a task in and of itself. We’ve had three potentials and three fails so far. We are in search of the mythical “unicorn” to complete what we are looking for.

I’ve had troubles myself in accepting a third. But keeping an open, honest and communicative dialog with Byron has helped with this immensely. I keep reading and studying up on the poly because I like to arm myself with knowledge when I am facing something as daunting as compersion and a relationship without jealousy. Which is vital when it comes to poly relationships. Applying that knowledge has been the challenge.

It feels great to be writing again. I look forward to doing it more often and have completed my hiatus away.


You think it’s about you, I think it’s about me

But is it not really about we?

You brand, command, and demand

I advocate, abdicate, and supplicate

Working together, You the administrator, I the acceptor

You troll, cajole and console

I mesmerize, idolize, and romanticize

A performance, no audience, just our co-dependence

You show no benevolence, I offer no belligerence

You think it’s your needs, I think it’s my pleas

But is it not really about our accedes?


I offer myself to you

I come to you, naked, guard down

I come to you, skin alive with anticipation

I come to you, yearning for your touch

I come to you, ready for your kiss

Your hand reaches up to softly caress my face,

Closing the distance you step into me,

Lightly touching me, running your thumb along my jaw

Such a tender touch sends hard, pleasing shocks of electricity low into my body

I hold my breath as you draw ever closer

your hand slides around and sharply pulls my hair in your grasp

I go still as the electricity transforms into a fiery passion

My eyes close and my lips part with your hand entwined in my tresses

You pull on my hip, to wed our bodies

I can feel your eagerness pressed against us, between us

My hands fervently trace the muscles in your back

I am holding on with all that I can, as a frenzy smashes through me

Your lips poised just about mine

Teasing me by being so close yet so far, you are in control

I pull my head but you hold me firmly, denying to close the distance

You reach with your tongue, sensually and playfully tasting me first

Then at last you pull me deep into your embrace, kissing me wholly

Thoroughly devouring what I am offering to you

Feeding on the power of our shared obsession

I offer myself to you, with my heart and soul

I offer myself to you, as you make me feel whole

I offer myself to you, I need you to consume me

I offer myself to you, pleading for you to make me yours


I wait for you, I anticipate you.

I know what is to come, the feel of your collar sliding around my neck.

Slowly becoming tighter as you adjust to fit, just perfect.

You own me, you know me, just the feel of it makes me wet.

I wait for you, I anticipate you.

A chain links the collar extending to my wrists.

I am bound to you, showing the world I am owned through your gifts.

You own me, you know me, my skin is afire as my desire manifests.

I wait for you, I anticipate you.

You  leave me expecting your command, on my knees and head bowed.

My breasts swell and nipples peak, eyes averted no peeking allowed.

You own me you know me, I await your bidding, this I have vowed.

and back down again

I purposefully left off on a high note on my last post. What was a delightfully splendid series of exploration and orgasms turned south quickly last evening. I had thought because Byron had instigated the moves last night that meant he didn’t need long to think on our situation. That he had decided to move forward with what he had originally wanted and I decided I wanted to give a chance…a poly amorous relationship. I was wrong.

After we had our fun together and I figured it was a done deal I asked, “So am I going home tonight or in the morning?” assuming that the answer was in the morning. He was kind of wishy-washy, not a good sign and leaving me befuddled. He said it was kind of late to be driving, it was 930 pm and a 2 hr drive. We were awkward now, we both didn’t know what to make of it. I asked if he had made up his mind about our situation…no he still needed time to process it. Why did what happened just now, happen then?

I said, I know this is awkward, you will have to give me a little time to build up the walls that had been broken down and put myself back into friendship mode. No touching, no cuddling and certainly no sex. I know once we started touching again we wouldn’t be able to help ourselves, the chemistry with us is just this strong. But I could do this for a short time as I did not want to leave yet. I knew if I left that evening it would make things worse and not better. He silently conceded. We made some small chit, nothing of significance.

The he said, “I think I am going to take you up on your offer”. My first thought was our situation and … JOY! But the words that came out, due to caution I had learned from previous relationships, were, “You mean about me staying?” Sadly, the response was, “No, I mean about you going”.

My heart dropped and it took my breath away. With a physical blow the pain goes away eventually, but with an emotional blow, the damage lingers. “Oh”, I said. We had never undressed, so I slipped on my shoes and quickly grabbed my things. I attempted to hold my sobs in but not successfully. This is after all any girls worst nightmare, no matter the lifestyle the girl is in. A sexual escapade and being asked to leave shortly thereafter. No matter the reasoning, or how well the intentions are…itsucks!

He gets up as I reach his bedroom door, “Please don’t cry” Byron says. “I am going to cry, it’s going to happen…period”. Some additional words were said but I don’t recall exactly what they were. I am on the brink of an emotional meltdown and everything is kind of hazy…literally. We stood there momentarily and I just couldn’t take it. He wasn’t going to say “Please stay”, so I left. I walked out the door, slammed the front door unintentionally on my out and went as quickly as I could to my car.

I got in my car and just sat there for a few minutes and cried. I had the vague thought that I shouldn’t be so upset with getting ready to make the drive back home, so I had the meltdown I had been trying to hold back. The tears were streaming and the anger was building. I had no real clear thoughts during at this time. I just let my emotions take control and I let it wash over me. I wanted to try to get it out as best I could.

Then, I am not sure why, but at some point I look up and to the side. I had been holding my face in my hands crying into them. Byron was standing there against his car waiting for me to notice him. At some point I guess I had started the car, so I powered down the window after taking a quick moment. That quick moment didn’t really help any as I kept crying. He knelt down by my window.

He wanted to reassure that with me leaving this was not him making the ultimate decision on us. I explained that I never thought he would ask me to leave…purposefully, especially after what had happened. I further explained that I could’ve adjusted and not been awkward but that I just need a few to do it. “But you weren’t allowing me enough time”…oh, I thought.

I keep thinking that this is not affecting him in the same way that it is affecting me. When we weren’t talking last week I eventually initiated the conversations and did not think that he needed more time to grieve the loss at the time. I guess I keep thinking it’s something I value more than he does. It’s so extremely unfair of me! I know why I do it, I am letting my past affect me in this time. I am so used to valuing and not being valued that I have a hard time recognizing it. I get mad at him for doing it to me but yet I can’t do the same in return…I am hypocrisy in action folks!

I wanted him to tell me to turn off the car and get out and have him hold me and then take me back to the room…not necessarily for sex. It didn’t happen. At one point I did make eye contact with Byron, which was difficult because I have never wanted him to see me cry. I looked at him and I saw him, he was taking in my pain and looking in his eyes I saw a reflection of my pain. Shortly after the eye contact I left.

I made my way back home and in that 2 hr drive, I cried and I raged. By the time I hit the midway point I had calmed down. I drove numbly and erratically…why I didn’t get pulled over I don’t know. By the time I reached home, I wasn’t mad. I was saddened but not mad. I knew me coming the same day I left was a possibility but I had depended on my hopes that I would not. I gambled and I lost.

Now I wait. I wait to see if he actually lets me make the choice and continue forward in a poly amorous relationship or if he shuts me down completely. We did talk briefly on instant messenger last night, but I have had no word today. So…I wait.

Byrons slave…again

This is my second attempt! My first attempt went down in a blaze of glory when I had to reboot my computer much to my chagrin!

Sorry for the hiatus in my blogging…much recup time was needed.  I had a busy weekend and much to mull over before I posted. I came home Sunday and was wired but wiped and Monday I had to return to work and a dead brain isn’t very conducive to blogging. So here I am on Tuesday evening ready to regale you with some blogging fun! My master is ready to read more and I hope you are as well…

When last I left you I had arrived on Thursday evening, I could go into all of the gory details of the entire weekend, but there are somethings I want to enjoy myself and somethings I am not allowed *see My Rules* to discuss without prior permission. So after much thought and consideration I have decided to share our Friday evening experience. I would say this was the highlight of the weekend, however that would be a lie because so much happened in the time Byron and I spent together. We talked, laughed, cuddled, watched movies, I cooked for him, I received my punishments, there’s was lots of mind-blowing orgasms to be had. I also got rub, suckle, coddle, bathe and massage my master to my heart’s content.

There was a loose plan to our weekend, Byron had spent sometime thinking on how the events would unfold. First Friday evening, he decided that we would go out to eat. I had brought my clothes as instructed and picked one pair of pants and 3 shirts…the plan is that I wouldn’t be dressed much of the weekend. I showed him my clothes and I had picked all of them because they were nice but one specifically I thought he might like the most. Master chose for me to wear a gray slightly metallic shirt for the night. It had a low stiff collar that clasped in the front and then came down in a tear drop to where it discreetly showed cleavage if viewed at the right angle. Then there were ruffles around the tear drop to accentuate what mother nature has blessed me with. I carefully and tastefully did my makeup, going for conservative yet demur…I wanted more of a classic beauty look to go with. Then on my hair I decided to wear it down since Master enjoys my long recently blond highlighted hair.

I wanted to look my best for Byron

I was dressed for the evening! Byron decided to take us to a local steakhouse and we were to be in scene the entire time. I was not to converse or speak unless I had his permission first. Breaking of the rules=punishment. He would be ordering my dinner for me so there was really no need for me to speak to anyone but him. I did rather well, until our waiter decided that he must simply elicit some response from me. It wasn’t much that I said, maybe “Ok” or “Yes”, however I inadvertently slipped…twice! The waiter kept speaking directly to me and I was able to defer to Byron by look several times but, after years of condition I auto responded. We ended the dinner and it was such a lovely evening out I made the remark “Tonight would be a perfect night to go out into the country and see the stars”. It had been raining in our area for several days and had finally cleared and the sky was just amazing. Byron took heed of my comment and took the scenic route back to his place while we listened to music and I got to see my stars.

Then, we were in for the evening. It was shower time! Let me preface this section with a little history. Byron indulged one of my long time fantasies on our first meeting. It was one that I had rarely enjoyed and never to the full extent in which I wanted to bring it to life. So many people I know find showering a perfunctory act, while I find it stimulating, erotic and at times comforting. You throw a lover into the mix and there is a sensual extravaganza going on. The first time I was able to bathe Byron, he wasn’t entirely comfortable with the thought of someone else bathing him. However, he has since ‘seen the light’ and our bathing time together is one of our repeated fantasies we like to indulge in.

Getting all cleaned up for the evening

So we got back to the house where he instructed me to go and start the shower and wait for him. I went and started the shower and quickly undressed where I promptly waited. I didn’t have to wait long. We both went into the shower and I was able to finally bathe him. I love to start with the shoulders, arms, and chest as this is where the energy and strength of his punishments typically come from for me. I slowly wash him, being sure to cover every spot with soap so he can be nice and clean. I work my way down his legs…my Master has an amazing set of legs. The muscles are so well-defined. While I am washing, and soaping and then rinsing I can’t help but place kisses on the newly cleansed areas. Then I work my up to Master’s cock, it’s perfect in every sense of the word. I slowly and delicately start washing Master here and I feel him start to respond quickly to my ministrations. I am on my knees by now and I look up at him slowly and see he is enjoying my touch.

I ask “Master may I please suck your cock”, because it is right there begging for my attention, “Yes, Pet, you may”. I tentatively reach out with my tongue and work it around his cock head working him deliberately and gradually into my mouth…pulling back and sucking at the same time. Enjoying and immersing myself in the taste of him so freshly clean. I keep basking in the flavor of my Master for a few minutes until he reaches down and pulls me up into an aggressive passionate kiss. He turns me in the shower, reaches for the soap and starts to wash my back. My nerves are on fire and I can’t help but sigh and moan as his touches arouse me further. He reaches around me and grabs a hold of my breasts firmly and is manipulating with one hand while the other reaches for my pussy from behind and starts stroking me. Master deftly strokes me to orgasm very quickly but doesn’t stop with one, he is never satisfied with just one. He then leans over and whispers “You still haven’t received your punishment for leaving”.

I can’t go into the details of the punishment as I’ve stated before, but I was indeed punished. We wrapped up the showering session. He instructed that I was to go back to the room and get the collar and toys because he still hadn’t come and we weren’t done playing.

This is how we ended the evening

Master had been a busy man while I was away. He had bought more toys for adventures. A blindfold, feather, whip, candles, ballgag, and cuffs for the hands and ankles that he had attached to the bed. So I got back to the room where he quickly followed and little did I know one of my fantasies was going to be fulfilled yet again! The collar and wrist straps were put into place on my body and next came the ballgag, then the blindfold. Next, he chained my wrists to the bed and then only one of my ankles. By this time, I was wet with anticipation again. I was def and mute and trusted in my master completely not to hurt me or harm me in any way…to only bring me pleasure.

It’s difficult for me to remember the sequence of events after this because it was just continuous pleasure from this point forward. Master had told me at the beginning of the weekend that one of his goals was for me to pass out from the pleasure he gave me. He knows that he is the only person that could possibly achieve this and he almost achieved it this night! He started with my toys that I had, slowly at first fucking me with them bringing me to orgasm in no time at all. Then came the wax, I had never experienced this before and know that it takes some care and talent. But again, I trusted Master…completely. The first drop was unexpected and I jumped, it was hot at first and then almost immediately cooled and then it was just a continuous dripping all over my breasts while the toys were lodged in my pussy. At some point he leaned over and took my thigh in his mouth and bite me. I love biting especially in the throes of passion. And bite me he did…I screamed into the ballgag and whimpered a little because it was painful but that pain brought so much more pleasure.

He removed the ballgag and straddled my chest and I was still blindfolded and he presented himself to me and I eagerly took him in my mouth. He wrapped his hands in my hair and commenced to having his way with my mouth. Then the blind fold came off and I saw him move down between my legs where he slid easily into me. How amazing it was! I could see him but I couldn’t touch him as I was still bound to the bed. He had to lean over and cover my mouth with his hand because I had become so loud and that only fueled my fire. I became louder and experienced several orgasms in the space of minutes. This event was wrapped up by me going down on my Master after asking if I could please, please have his cum. It was a huge orgasm for Master, I was wondering if it was ever going to end but was pleased that he had found so much pleasure in our evening together…as much pleasure as I had found.

I am Byron’s slave and he does own me…again

Byron’s Mark

Byron's Mark

This is what I where to show the world I am taken as a slave, and that I do have master.

Back in September when Byron and I were first delving into the world of BDSM and we chose to become Master/Slave, we wanted to be able to mark me in a way to show the world that I am a taken slave.  I, of course, left the method of marking up to him. Standard marking is typically jewelry, such as a necklace or a collar. He decided on the ring that you see above. I was to visibly wear this at all times.

When Byron first gave it to me it was on a necklace. However, I was only able to wear it for about a week before the necklace caused a reaction on my skin. It is sterling silver, however the skin around my neck just doesn’t react well to metal of ANY type. So I was left with getting a non-metal necklace or simply wearing the ring.  As you can see I chose to wear the ring. It is on my right hand, which typically signifies the Master of the Master/Slave relationship. Simply said I still believe that the left ring finger is for marriage and we are not anywhere near there. So that left me with how I wear it.

I recall there was one time where I forgot to wear the ring…and boy did I get punished. I had taken the ring off to take a shower and put it on my bathroom sink and simply forgot to put it back on. I went on about my business and left for my plans. While I was out Byron text and we chatted…he asked…”Are you wearing your ring Pet?”. I did not want to be punished and briefly had the thought to say yes, however I was truthful and replied with a no and the explanation I gave above. He did indeed punish me!

I had recently purchased a new toy for us to play with during our encounters. Later that evening he instructed me to insert the new toy into my vagina and that this was how I was to sleep for the evening. That way when I woke I would realize I was still being punished. Do you know how uncomfortable THAT was! Oh my! I followed through with my punishment and when I woke the next morning I was VERY aware of the punishment because I was so incredibly horny. Yet I was to find no satisfaction as the instructions included I was not to pleasure myself.

So lesson being learned, I did NOT take the ring off unless I was instructed by Byron. This only happened once or twice when I was lavishing my Master with a massage and it kept getting in the way. I also did not put it back on until he instructed. So the months that passed I never took off the ring. It had great meaning to me and I was truly proud to wear it! I loved it when people complimented me on it and I even blushed demurely a couple of times.

I did eventually take it off when Byron and I split in January and I even offered to get it back to him, but Byron told me not to worry about it. I always had it close to me even though I didn’t wear it. I carried it in my purse and even lovingly caressed it a few times, remembering my master fondly each time and even getting a little turned on.

As we have been talking again recently, I told him that I would not wear the ring until I was instructed to. This is because it represents a firm commitment to the M/S relationship. When I finished reviewing the rules and let him know that I liked them and agreed with them, he let me know that he would send me a final draft and I was to follow the rules to a T. I then asked “Should I start wearing the ring now” and he answered “Yes Pet”.

I was so happy when he said this. I immediately went to my purse and put the ring on. As I have walked around today doing my daily chores I have been sure that the ring is in view every opportunity I have had.

Tomorrow is the big day! I get to see Byron and he has promised many orgasms and cuddling time together and I can’t wait! I get to show my master just exactly how much I have missed him by pampering, bathing, and massaging him every chance I get…not to mention the many orgasms I intend to give him and to give him the pleasure of punishing his naughty pet for leaving and staying away so long. I am already packed and have made the necessary arrangements to be able to leave straight after work so that I may enjoy 3 nights and 3 days of pure unadulterated bliss with my Master.